Listing Packages
List and claim your business on Advaad and expand your business reach even furtherBasic
Per Package- Availability : 365 days
- Listings : 1
- Map Display : Yes
- Contact Display : Yes
- Image Gallery : No
- Video : Yes
- Featured : No
Per Package- Availability : 365 days
- Listings : 3
- Map Display : Yes
- Contact Display : Yes
- Image Gallery : Yes
- Video : Yes
- Featured : No
Most Popular
Per Package- Availability : 365 days
- Listings : 10
- Map Display : Yes
- Contact Display : Yes
- Image Gallery : Yes
- Video : Yes
- Featured : Yes
How does it work to list your business?
Login/ Register an Account
Login into your account or Register an Account with username and Email address.

Choose a Plan
After login click on Submit listing. It will redirect to the plan selection page. There are three plans. All prices are in CAD.
- Basic: You can list your 1 business by selecting this plan for 365 days.
- Professional: Professional listing plan, you can list 3 businesses by selecting this plan for 365 days with the gallery option.
- Business: Business listing plan, you can list 10 businesses by selecting this plan for 365 days with maximum benefits.

Submit Your Listing
Once you select the plan it will redirect you to the listing submission form. Please fill in all the information and then click on submit

You can pay with Stripe/ Paypal.

Find all the pending listing on Dashboard-> Pending listing. You can preview, edit and publish your listing from Dashboard.

Why Advaad to list your business?
Advaad helps you to find right customer for your business.

Trusted Network
Advertised businesses on Advaad generally come from trusted sources. In other words, we do not import the mass business listings.
Very Affordable
We advertise your business throughout the year at a very affordable cost. Even our top plan is only 63 cents a day for 10 listings!
List in Multiple Cities
You can list your business in all cities, in which you provide services with just a few clicks.
Save time and hassle.
Do You Have Questions ?
If you have any question, you can reach out to us at contact page.
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